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We’re in for a good year!

The year 2017 was extraordinary: the objectives of bondibllue® were achieved and some even exceeded. In the development of a constant work of several years, in this one – the first as company, Symbolic & Verbal, Lda. – we contracted our Project Manager, Liliana Reis, and contracted a Professional Internship with our Designer, Tatiana Andersen, who will be reverted to a no-term contract.

The projects were fulfilled, some with more difficulty, as would be understandable, but we considered a positive result in the realization of the various challenges that were proposed to us.

We are grateful to our Customers this year and we know that we must continue to work in order to continue to earn their trust and all the others they recommend us. As a thank you note, a 2% ceiling was implemented on the billing of the 10 best customers that will be discounted in the first purchases of 2018.

We are grateful to our friends from the BNI Commitment group in Lagos, who have been hard at work on recommending us: this new method of working has produced its results that have increased the final product in a pleasant way.


More news are coming, in time we will reveal them.

Wishes for a Good Year 2018!